Need a cultural review?
Our cultural review process helps you to proactively identify and address concerns within your team. Working alongside you, we ensure the question design, participant selection and communications support
your objectives.
Signs you might need a cultural review
We establish rapport with interviewees so they are comfortable in providing feedback on their experiences. Untapped strengths
and opportunities are identified.
What can you expect?
Feedback is obtained from employees via confidential 1-on-1 interviews. You’re then provided with a de-identified report which synthesises participant feedback, and identifies ways in which to leverage your strengths and optimise opportunities to reinstate your exceptional workplace.
1. Question Design
The questions asked during the interview are developed with you, the client, and are designed to focus on the key areas of interest for the organisation.
- All information provided during the interview is kept confidential
- Special accommodations can be made to facilitate participation
2. Pre-Interview
Once your employees have been briefed, an interview time will be scheduled with them.
- Interviews are typically 1.5-2hrs in duration, to allow sufficient time to explore all issues
- They can be conducted face-to-face or online
- No preparation is required before the interview
3. Interview
Employees can expect to be asked a range of questions relating to the workplace environment, including:
- The positives
- Opportunities for improvement
4. Report
Post-interviews, feedback from all participants is collated and then we prepare a de-identified written report. The report summarises participants' feedback and sets out key themes. Debrief discussions can also be held with key stakeholders.